"We become everything we say we are, so speak it all into existence." – Ruby Veridiano-Ching

Month: September, 2013

Balanced Schedule

My goal this week is to find balance between work, writing, & commuting. I realize I have to stop blaming time and space for my feeling misaligned. In an ideal world, this is what I’m aiming for… give or take, it’s a schedule I’m trying to make happen. Wish me luck.

  • 7am morning runs
  • 10am writing sessions over coffee + instrumentals
  • 12pm solo lunch
  • 2pm work grind
  • 7pm travel time
  • 9pm work after work: creative sesh
  • 11pm zZz…


Growing Perspective

I’ve been learning so much about myself lately in terms of what I can and can’t handle at the moment. I’m learning about my capacity on all levels–mentally, emotionally & physically. Whenever I get a chance, I’ve been reflecting on what’s truly important to me. I catch myself sifting through memories and experiences when I’m on the train truly trying to understand the going-ons in my life with an open mind and an open heart.

This is me learning how to be healthy again in mind, body, spirit, soul, and heart. Taking everything day by day and gradually realizing my potential and knowing what I am capable of and knowing what I deserve.

This is me in my mid-twenties still navigating life with a young heart, but maturing with a stronger and more understanding lens of what I can and can’t control… and the power to decipher what is truly worth fighting for and letting go.