"We become everything we say we are, so speak it all into existence." – Ruby Veridiano-Ching

Month: May, 2013

#np: Ebrahim – “Be Alright”

The 2:06am track.


  1. The world feels so much smaller lately.
  2. The other day someone asked me, “What do you like to do besides teaching?” I paused and blanked out.
  3. Because my world lately has revolved around my youth, I haven’t had much time for myself.
  4. But I ain’t mad. I wouldn’t have it any other way at the moment.
  5. Lately, my past has been making its way back into my present. Not absolutely sure how I feel about it yet.
  6. Past loves are like past lives.
  7. Writing has become an outlet again to navigate through my struggles, my heart, and my triumphs.
  8. Writing for myself in and of itself is triumphant.
  9. Bus lines and train rides have become my space to meditate.
  10. And beat tapes have become the endless soundtrack to my life as a writer.
  11. I feel like the Universe is calling out to me to make bigger moves, take bigger chances, and leap.
  12. Maybe it’s time I finally listen.

6:22pm – some haikus and wordplay (on going)

separated by /
two worlds, connected by /
a parallel love

day to day we are
built up by our own dreams
grounded by our own realities
so one day
we can connect the two seamlessly

with the sky above /
feet planted beneath me /
my mind stays grounded

my head in the clouds /
i translate and elevate /
thoughts to fruition

i am moved by his /
presence, but taken aback /
by his intentions

said, she
said, to love