"We become everything we say we are, so speak it all into existence." – Ruby Veridiano-Ching

Month: November, 2011


I used to take pride in using “noise” as my distraction. Any type of noise, whether that be the background sounds of my television stationed on a random channel, the tunes of my iPod on shuffle, or the barista creating my grande caramel frapp, I used to tell myself these were the sounds that comforted me. And these were the sounds that I would never learn to function without. But as I get older, I’m starting to realize how much these noises have become unnecessary. I don’t hear them the same way anymore. My thoughts have finally elevated into music of their own and now it’s time I finally take the time to listen to them.

11/24/10 – “Thankful for my surroundings” … still

Even if Thanksgiving is essentially over, the endless amount of gratitude I have for my life’s blessings continue. I reread the following piece just this past Thursday, and found it comforting to reread it and believe how much of what I wrote is still truly the same, and a lot of which that have changed, I still hold dear to me to this day.

I felt the need to post this at the moment as a personal reminder that “giving thanks” and reflecting on my life’s blessings are never actions that need a holiday to justify it. Rather it should be a constant action I continue to do long after this holiday and long before it.

Originally written: November 25, 2010 on BakitWhy.com 

“Thankful for my Surroundings”

In a world that tends to suffocate our minds with 9-to-5 obligations and traffic in every direction, sometimes it’s difficult to separate reality’s responsibilities to identify our own life’s treasures. When was the last time you stopped to reflect what means the most to you? Of course, subconsciously I’m sure we do this on a regular basis. We say “thank you” after someone’s given us a gift. We say “thank you” after someone leaves the door open for us. And we say “thank you” after someone’s helped us in some sort of way. We often say, “thank you” for the nice gestures and actions we encounter everyday, but really… when was the last time you actually took the time to reflect beyond those gestures?

Today I’m taking the time to recognize those beings around me whom I’m truly thankful for. I’m taking this day to slow down time to thank the city that created me. And I’m taking today to verbalize my utmost gratitude towards those that have enriched, empowered and inspired the being I am now.

On the top of my list are the beautiful people in my life: my family and friends. I am constantly thankful for their continuous support and love. If I didn’t have these individuals in my life, I don’t know where I’d be. Since 2010 has served to be my most difficult year by far, I can’t imagine how I would have survived and kept on without them.

For the late night talks to the morning tea sessions to the random treks to the city – I am truly grateful. For my boys who always find ways to make me (ugly) laugh to my girls who know how to feel, be real and tell ridiculous stories – I am truly grateful. For the Giants winning the World Series (yee! black and orange) and for my dog, Mikka who wakes me up early to walk in the mornings and always greets me with a genuine smile – I am truly grateful. It is without a doubt my life wouldn’t be the way it is now without the support system I’m so blessed to have.

Second on the list is the love of my life: San Francisco. I have never been so easily inspired, provoked and awakened by a city of this magnitude before. This is the city I’ve fallen in love with so easily. It is the city that took me in when I was 18 and showed me that there IS a community out there that feeds off of justice, creativity and positive vibes. It introduced me to new found passions, lifelong friendships, and boots-inducing weather. Without effort this city has impacted me in so many ways that the realm I live in now has never been the same. The foundation, the dreams, and the work I do now are thanks to this city that taught me, nurtured me, helped me grow and shaped me. For all that I’m thankful.

Finally, I can’t express this enough but I am truly grateful for writing. Writing has kept me sane and kept me growing at the same time. It has led me to several different individuals and has helped me create a network of inspiring artists and creators I am so glad to have in my life today. Without them and the opportunities that have been presented to me, I can’t imagine if I’d still be pursuing my dream of journalism today.

So for all this and so much more, Happy Thanksgiving everyone and Happy Slapsgiving for my HIMYM mob out there!

One time in love, one time

Currently on repeat: Florence and the Machine’s cover of “Take Care” performed at BBC Radio 1’s Live Lounge Special.

AHH-MAZING… So amazing, I prefer it over Drake’s version easily.


For once, I had the pleasure of switching roles with my students.  I got to see my students become teachers for a day.

Through my partnership’s “Teaching Project,” as a class, each of the students were grouped together into groups of 4-5. Each were split up to teach four different periods together at a local middle school last week. They had the opportunity to teach what we taught them the way they wanted it to be taught. In turn, my students had to put in work! All the essential preparation teachers do on a regular basis, they did. The extensive research and creativity needed to create lesson plans from scratch–they had to do.

…which they did amazingly so.  Two Thursdays ago was the moment I witnessed my students flourish and glow.  To see each of my students–those nervous & hesitant and those proud & ready–teach a 55-min class with such resiliency and honesty was such an amazing experience for me. I have never seen so much growth and strength from my students before. To have seen them conquer something as challenging as teaching at their age just shows the potential they have to overcome everything else that surrounds them. For that, I know my students are beyond special in this world.

Tuesday before Thanksgiving



iTunes Monday Shuffle: The Early November – “The Room’s Too Cold”

Still one of my favorite bands + still one of my favorite albums of this genre.

The Early November – “Ever So Sweet,”
channeling my high school days with that track.

To swanky dinners w/ my girls

For my girls planning a night out always takes a little more effort these days considering our differing cities and grad school/work schedules. But despite all that, we always find time to make time for each other, especially during the holidays. This year, since we were too busy to plan dishes for our traditional Thanksgiving potluck and since our (6th floor) boys were out of town as well, we dished out for a girls night out in Mountain View. Per request we had dinner at Xanh’s, a “swanky”–as I like to call it–restaurant. The decor, the food presentation (+taste!), and the service was top notch.

But I’ll be honest, our “swanky” restaurant manners? Not so much. I’ll quote one of my girls as she said it best, “It’s like we’ve never been to a nice restaurant before.” lol, One thing about my girls and I, when we’re together, we don’t hold back. We have no censor. And that goes for endless laughter, for TMI stories, and for yelling. And I’m sure this goes for all the ladies out there with a close-knit group of girls… it just happens. So picture 9 girls circulating girl talk, tsismis, food, and hugs–it’s nothing but chaos in our corner, necessary chaos that signifies how much we just fckn missed each other.

Snail mail crafted


(via ship & anchor)

From first rainFall to my first golf swing and everything else in between

Dear Universe,

It’s Tuesday 5:42pm and here I am writing an open letter to you in hopes you can be so kind to shed some positive light my way. These next few days mimic a chain of my fears combined. Nothing is certain, but the way I deal and adapt to what may come is. So I write to you in hopes you’ll help me garner enough strength to get through these next three days. I consider Friday evening as the sign that “I’ve made it,” and that I’ve essentially survived what I feel is going to be an overwhelming commute literally and metaphorically. But until that moment comes, I’ll be looking for big and sparkly signs to help keep me on the right path or at least remind me that this fear I feel tonight is just a self-inflicting thought made to validate my purpose in all that I exist.
